Monday, September 9, 2013

Top 10 Horror Movies

10) The Conjuring

Genre:  Supernatural/Demons

Why:  Great acting makes this cliche movie a must see.  This had everything from creepy dolls, haunted houses, to exorcisms.

09) Seven

Genre:  Crime/Mystery

Why:  Not really a horror movie, but it kind of is.  You could say that Saw was a rip off of Seven.  Great twist, great acting, and filmed by my favorite director, David Fincher.

08) Scream

Genre:  Slasher/Mystery

Why:  This movie trigger the return of the slasher picture.  This is the movie that made me fall in love with scary movies.  Ghost Face is one of the creepiest/coolest icons in horror fiction.  

07) Event Horizon 

Genre:  Space/Supernatural

Why:  Whats scarier then being trapped in a house with a psychopath, how about being trapped in space with one.  Event Horizon is about a ship that goes to hell.  This is the scariest movie I have ever seen in my life.  Sure I was 12 when I saw it, but still, this thing is creepy as hell.  

06) Saw

Genre:  Mystery/Gore/Psychological

Why:  This movie changed the game in regards to horror.  The Saw movies aren't mindless B films, they are smart films, that are well thought out, with great endings.  Just a little to gory for my taste.

05) The Shining

Genre:   Ghost/Supernatural/

Why:  Jack Nicholson.  The End

04)  Paranormal Activity

Genre:  Supernatural/Demons

Why:  Each of these movies feature great actors, cheap jump scares, and the boldest demon I have ever seen in a movie.  Love all of them except part 4.

03)  Final destination

Genre:  Supernatural/Gore

Why:  One of the goriest movie franchises ever created, Final Destination is one of the most original horror movies I have ever seen.  Final Destination Part 1 had a great cast, and really defined my childhood.

02)  28 Days Later

Genre:  Zombies well, sort of.

Why:  Love the independent feel of this movie.  Zombies never really scared me due to their slow paced walk, these "Zombies" however run, and projectile vomit on you.  I could watch this movie over and over again.

01)  Sixth Sense

Genre:   Ghost/Supernatural

Why:  This movie is a master piece.  Every scene of this movie is perfection.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ten Things That Would Make Me Happy

10)   A Trip to the Moon wall Sculpture

What can I say, I love Tonight, Tonight, and Le Voyage Dans la Lune.  Georges Méliès is one of the pioneers of Visual Effects, so A Trip to the Moon, means a lot to me.  Plus look at how trippy this thing is.

09)  Mofongo

Mofongo filled with Pork, and garlic.  Nuff Said.

 08)  Horror Movie Marathon

I really dig Halloween, sadly, everyone I know is chicken shit.  Would like to spend a whole evening having a Halloween Movie Marathon.  Pizza is welcome as well.

07)  Puerto Rico

I moved from Puerto Rico in 2000.  I went back to visit in 2001, and haven't been back since.  I think its time, to retrace my steps a bit.

06)  Join a Cover Band

Been years since I've really played da Bass, but I was pretty damn good, and would love to just collaborate with someone for once.

05)  Wii U (New Super Mario Bros. U)

Why the Wii U?  Zelda, Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros...  These are some of the most classic games, that require little thought.  Nintendo reminds me of childhood.

04)  Friends

 It's been 7 years since I've had friends.  Would be nice to have some again.

03)  Vacation!

I need one so badly.  Vegas, Hawaii, New York, would be nice, but to be honest, just circling the ocean in a cruise ship would be bad ass.

02)  Apartment

 I want to live on my own so bad.  I feel like my life is passing me by in a cramp bed room. 

01)  Career

Not a job, but a career.  I've worked 10 years for this, and am going on my third degree.  If this Digital Media thing doesn't pan out, I literally quit on life. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pacific Rim, The Conjuring, The Wolverine

Pacific Rim

I went into Pacific Rim with no expectations at all.  The story was really basic, the effects were rather impressive though.  I think this movie is a great way to sell toys, and I'm sure I would have loved it if I was an 8 year old boy.  The truth is, this movie isn't horrible.  I had a decent time watching it.  

I think if they were to make a Power Ranger movie, they could do a really good job, because Pacific Rim showed us the potential of a Power Ranger Zord.

The Conjuring

I am a Hard Core, Horror Junkie movie fanatic.  The Conjuring is your basic haunting/exorcism film story-wise.  However the Conjuring really succeeds with its acting, scares, and directing.  The guy who directed this movie, directed Saw, and Insidious, so he has a really good track record at being a legit Horror director.  Let me just say that this movie is ridiculously scary.  I mean if you live alone, you might want to have someone stay over with you.  The fact that its based on a true story, just makes it better.  This is a must see for a horror fan, and along with This is the End, a must see Summer movie. 

The Wolverine

What can I say, 20th Century Fox, has no idea what to do with the X-Men.  God forbid they ever pick up an X-Men comic book.  Once again Hugh Jackman does everything he can to try and make the character of Wolverine work, but once again the writers screw him over.  I found this movie boring.  I found the inconsistencies of the characters antamantium, healing factor, and memory, to have way to many holes.  Not the worst that I've seen this summer, but I wouldn't recommend this to anyone either.  Best part of the movie, was the after credit scene...  So just youtube that in a couple of months and skip the movie. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

These Girls are Amazaing

Comic Book Girl 19 and Grace Randolph...

Are two of the coolest girls ever.  I have never come across two girls that have known as much about comics as these two.