Friday, September 6, 2013

Ten Things That Would Make Me Happy

10)   A Trip to the Moon wall Sculpture

What can I say, I love Tonight, Tonight, and Le Voyage Dans la Lune.  Georges Méliès is one of the pioneers of Visual Effects, so A Trip to the Moon, means a lot to me.  Plus look at how trippy this thing is.

09)  Mofongo

Mofongo filled with Pork, and garlic.  Nuff Said.

 08)  Horror Movie Marathon

I really dig Halloween, sadly, everyone I know is chicken shit.  Would like to spend a whole evening having a Halloween Movie Marathon.  Pizza is welcome as well.

07)  Puerto Rico

I moved from Puerto Rico in 2000.  I went back to visit in 2001, and haven't been back since.  I think its time, to retrace my steps a bit.

06)  Join a Cover Band

Been years since I've really played da Bass, but I was pretty damn good, and would love to just collaborate with someone for once.

05)  Wii U (New Super Mario Bros. U)

Why the Wii U?  Zelda, Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros...  These are some of the most classic games, that require little thought.  Nintendo reminds me of childhood.

04)  Friends

 It's been 7 years since I've had friends.  Would be nice to have some again.

03)  Vacation!

I need one so badly.  Vegas, Hawaii, New York, would be nice, but to be honest, just circling the ocean in a cruise ship would be bad ass.

02)  Apartment

 I want to live on my own so bad.  I feel like my life is passing me by in a cramp bed room. 

01)  Career

Not a job, but a career.  I've worked 10 years for this, and am going on my third degree.  If this Digital Media thing doesn't pan out, I literally quit on life. 

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