Monday, September 9, 2013

Top 10 Horror Movies

10) The Conjuring

Genre:  Supernatural/Demons

Why:  Great acting makes this cliche movie a must see.  This had everything from creepy dolls, haunted houses, to exorcisms.

09) Seven

Genre:  Crime/Mystery

Why:  Not really a horror movie, but it kind of is.  You could say that Saw was a rip off of Seven.  Great twist, great acting, and filmed by my favorite director, David Fincher.

08) Scream

Genre:  Slasher/Mystery

Why:  This movie trigger the return of the slasher picture.  This is the movie that made me fall in love with scary movies.  Ghost Face is one of the creepiest/coolest icons in horror fiction.  

07) Event Horizon 

Genre:  Space/Supernatural

Why:  Whats scarier then being trapped in a house with a psychopath, how about being trapped in space with one.  Event Horizon is about a ship that goes to hell.  This is the scariest movie I have ever seen in my life.  Sure I was 12 when I saw it, but still, this thing is creepy as hell.  

06) Saw

Genre:  Mystery/Gore/Psychological

Why:  This movie changed the game in regards to horror.  The Saw movies aren't mindless B films, they are smart films, that are well thought out, with great endings.  Just a little to gory for my taste.

05) The Shining

Genre:   Ghost/Supernatural/

Why:  Jack Nicholson.  The End

04)  Paranormal Activity

Genre:  Supernatural/Demons

Why:  Each of these movies feature great actors, cheap jump scares, and the boldest demon I have ever seen in a movie.  Love all of them except part 4.

03)  Final destination

Genre:  Supernatural/Gore

Why:  One of the goriest movie franchises ever created, Final Destination is one of the most original horror movies I have ever seen.  Final Destination Part 1 had a great cast, and really defined my childhood.

02)  28 Days Later

Genre:  Zombies well, sort of.

Why:  Love the independent feel of this movie.  Zombies never really scared me due to their slow paced walk, these "Zombies" however run, and projectile vomit on you.  I could watch this movie over and over again.

01)  Sixth Sense

Genre:   Ghost/Supernatural

Why:  This movie is a master piece.  Every scene of this movie is perfection.  

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