Friday, June 14, 2013

Man of Steel Review

Man of Steel

I have been an avid Superman fan for the last 16 years, with that said, I have been waiting for a GOOD superman movie for a long time.  I know a lot of people enjoyed the Christopher Reeves version of Superman, but I found those movie to be to campy.  In 2006 Superman Returns primiered, and it was God awful.  Sadly, I must say that Man of Steel is one step below Superman Returns, and here is why.

Source Material:  A lot was changed in this movie for the sake of changing things.  Superman is such an iconic story, and I am all for taking creative liberties, but damn, so many rediculous changes to the Superman lore,  just for the sake of changes?

CGI:  I think its safe to say that if I am complaining about to much CGI, we have a problem.  Watching Superman fight in this movie, was almost like watching a cartoon or video game. 

Narrative:  This story was all over the place.  The Krypton scenes were a snoozefest, and it seems like they tried way to hard to make the  Krypton story much deeper than it needed to be.  The flash backs were out of the place, the pacing of the movie were even odder. 

Clark Kent:  Who?  Clark Kent in this movie was unrecognizable, instead we get a wooden, emo representation.

Perry White:  Irrelavent

This movie had no heart.

This script was fluff.

This is not Superman.

To say I am disappointed in this film is an understatement, and whats worse is, I'm going to have to hear how GREAT this film is from everyone, just like I had to listen to how GREAT the Dark Knight Rises was.

3/10  my worse rating yet this summer. 

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