Sunday, June 30, 2013

Uncle Harry (My Uncle Buck)

RIP Uncle Harry

Today was my birthday, but lets put that on hold for a moment.  Today was a horrible day for the Dorta family.  My Uncle died this morning due to complications of diabetes, at age 57. 

This is the first real death that has me shaken, due to the fact that he was relativley young, and the amount of memories that I have had with him is tremendous.

I will always remember a man that:

Made me laugh
Did the best Bill Cosby impersonation
Told the best stories
Great musician
Great Sculputre, Painter
A sharp dressor
Was a great video game partner
Wonderful fisherman
But more importantly, was always in every aspect in my life, from New York, Puerto Rico, to Florida.

I will see you again Harry.  God bless you. 

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