Monday, June 24, 2013

This is the End

This is the End

This has been the best movie I have seen this Summer by far.  I'm not to big on comedies, but this one really delivers.  I am a huge fan of Freaks and Geeks, so I love the fact that Seth Rogan, James Franco, and Jason Segal, have all stood friends, and continue to collaborate with each other.  Their are also so many Judd Apatow cameos in this movie, that it gave me the feeling that these guys made this movie for their fans...  Na, who am I kidding, these guys made this movie for themselves, and that's why it works.  This is the End, is just a bunch of friends making a movie together, having fun, not giving a shit whether their movie wins an Oscar or not. 

This is it will go on my list of all time favorite comedies along with:

Anchor Man
The Hangover
Ace Ventura
Waynes World.
and a bunch of others I'm sure I've forgotten.

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